Soap Saver Lift


Soap Saver Lift helps prevent mushy soap bars and helps soap last longer by keeping them lifted out of standing water and lets air circulate to dry the bar faster.

  • Less wasted soap; helps bar soap last longer
  • Soap dries quicker
  • Keeps soap in place; use in soap dishes or by itself
  • Trims easily to fit any soap dish or travel soap box
  • Rinses easily

2.9 IN. x 4.4 IN. (7.4 CM x 11.2 CM)


Soap Saver Lift helps prevent mushy soap bars and helps soap last longer by keeping them lifted out of standing water and lets air circulate to dry the bar faster.

  • Less wasted soap; helps bar soap last longer
  • Soap dries quicker
  • Keeps soap in place; use in soap dishes or by itself
  • Trims easily to fit any soap dish or travel soap box
  • Rinses easily